Sunday, September 11, 2011

Citations and Bubblegum

Back in the library again for another day of endless research. Reporters, citations, search terms, key numbers, indices, encyclopedias, more citations, and how could I forget the pocket parts? Anyway, however intimidating legal research may be, and it's pretty damn intimidating, my concern this morning is bubblegum.

The girl across from me is obnoxiously chomping on her bubblegum, and from what I can gather it's cherry flavor. I wish gum were never invented. We have alternatives. And I seem to remember something about how chewing gum may result in TMJ or other unfriendly and painful jaw problems. On top of the bubblegum, the dude next to me smells of burnt coffee. I guess coffee has it's advantages. e.g., nervous shakes, stained teeth, coffee breath, and then the caffeine crash - hmmm I'll probably stick with green tea. But on a more positive note, all is not lost in the LRC...

I can't fail to notice the girl over there. There's nothing like a fresh distraction in the morning :) Eh, she probably has a boyfriend. Well, maybe not. Regardless, all the pretty girls on campus or even the amazing reggae show I saw last night cannot quiet the jarring call of unfinished work.

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